Programmer from Jersey but now call Center City Philadelphia my home. I have my masters in data science from Stockton University, while also working with software development and web design/development. I've been utilizing this strange time we find ourselves living in to expand my toolbox and learn all I can about different languages, technologies, methodologies and more. At the end of the day I'm just a kid that loves learning new things and is willing to take any new challenge, requirement, or metaphorical knuckleball that a potential job role might throw my way. On a more personal note I'm a huge Minnesota sports fan so Philly isn't always exactly the City of Brotherly Love for me in that regard. I also personal train as a NASM certified personal trainer and certified sports performance specialist, along with being an AFAA certified group fitness instructor. Free training sessions might just come along as a package deal with any potential job offers.
As far as the website itself goes, it is essentially just functioning as a digital/interactive resume in its formative stages here. In the future I plan on continuing to build upon the projects section (am just about finished with some pretty cool NLP text generation content using LSTM recurrent networks with TV scripts and song lyrics). On top of this I am looking into adding a more traditional blog section as well as a gallery of website landing pages and other web development content. Stay tuned for all of this, I hope you already enjoy the site in its early stages here, and feel free to contact me with any questions or comments through email, Github, or Linkedin which are all linked below.
The last small piece of house cleaning here is that this site is currently being built using Jekyll and 100% hand coded html and css. From here it is being hosted through Github Pages, judging on the future growth and compute requirements of the site the next step would be to refactor it to run on Ruby on Rails or Node.js.