Plotly Dash Baseball Visualization

Kyle Keough
Nov 12, 2020


As a final project for my data visualization course during my time in my masters program, the task was to create a webpage with Plotly Dash to display some form of a graphic. The framing of the assignment was intended to be broad, and how I ran with it was making an interactive data visualization tool rather than produce one visualization and format it on a site. By this I mean that I took a comprehensive assortment of historical baseball data by individual player, team, and league and allowed the user to dynamically view whatever stats or scope they were interested. A quick demonstration of what the site looks like and how it operates is linked below, but I'll give a quick run down. So the site operates on a tab hierarchy, so for any of the top 3 tabs your page is currently on (player, team, or league), any of the lower 3 tabs (batting stats, pitching stats, or fielding stats) can be visualized. Legends find themselves on the bottom of each page explaining what any asterisks or numbers next to titles represent. The graphs also have color coordination based on if the selected player had won any awards in that given season.
Some hiccups I ran into with this project were first of all the huge amount of players that have played the game since the 1900 threshold I set for the year. This caused some latency issues which you will notice in the video below when I switch between statistic categories (from batting to pitching) for individual players. Ultimately this did not prove to be a major issue, and this issue did not affect any of the site's latency outside of individual players, but it is something I could address if this site was to move to more of a production setting. I could add another dropdown to break up the players alphabetically (i.e. A-D, E-G, etc. for last names) if I was to stick with Dash. However, given production standards I would move this project to a different framework where I could cache and store the data differently. In hindsight the code could have been more modular, this partly being due to limitations in Dash's syntax and partly due to naivety on my part at the time I had coded it, so this could also be addressed if I were to go back and refactor this project.

Full Source Code

The full code can be found here:
Plotly Dash Github repo

Video Demo

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Plotly Baseball Viz

MLB Plotly Site


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